[1] GB/T 2705-2003 涂料产品分类和命名
[2] GB/T 5206-2015 色漆和清漆 术语和定义
[3] GB/T 33761-2017 绿色产品评价通则
[4] GB/T 34676-2017 儿童房装饰用内墙涂料
[5] GB 37822-2019 挥发性有机物无组织排放控制标准
[6] GB/T 50504-2009 民用建筑设计术语标准
[7] HG/T 5172-2017 水性液态内墙硅藻涂料
[8] HJ 2537-2014 环境标志产品技术要求 水性涂料
[9] JG/T 287-2013 保温装饰板外墙外保温系统材料
[10] JG/T 481-2015 低挥发性有机化合物(VOC)水性内墙涂覆材料
[11] RISN-TG 028-2017 保温装饰板外墙外保温工程技术导则
[12] Basic Criteria for Award of The Blue Angel Environmental Label RAL-UZ 102 Low-emission Interior Wall Paints(Edition January 2015).
[13] Commission Decision (EU)2015/886 Amending Decision 2014/312/EU establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the EU Ecolabel for indoor and outdoor paints and varnishes.
[14] Commission Decision (EU)2014/312 Establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the EU Ecolabel for indoor and outdoor paints and varnishes.